Pair 5 - Jim Salmon / Jayne Salmon
Place: 7, Percentage: 22.22%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 4: Graeme Mathers / Bill McKellar 6NT W 13 -1020 1 25% Board 2 4: Graeme Mathers / Bill McKellar 3NT E 12 -490 0 0% Board 3 4: Graeme Mathers / Bill McKellar 3 N
8 -50 1 25% Board 4 6: Anne Howarth / Alan Howarth 3NT E 7 -200 0 0% Board 5 6: Anne Howarth / Alan Howarth 6 X E
8 -800 0 0% Board 6 6: Anne Howarth / Alan Howarth 2 E
7 -100 0 0% Board 7 1: Carol Richardson / Judy McCowan 2NT E 7 100 2 50% Board 8 1: Carol Richardson / Judy McCowan 2 N
9 140 4 100% Board 9 1: Carol Richardson / Judy McCowan 2NT N 7 -50 0 0% Board 10 3: Bruce Cohen / Noel Bond 6 W
13 -1460 0 0% Board 11 3: Bruce Cohen / Noel Bond 6 N
11 -50 0 0% Board 12 3: Bruce Cohen / Noel Bond 4 N
12 680 3 75% Board 16 7: Judy Blackmore / Don Blackmore 1NT W 7 90 2 50% Board 17 7: Judy Blackmore / Don Blackmore 3 N
10 -170 0 0% Board 18 7: Judy Blackmore / Don Blackmore 3NT S 10 -630 2 50% Board 19 2: Chris Mitchell / Bill Sharp 2NT N 8 -120 0 0% Board 20 2: Chris Mitchell / Bill Sharp 2 E
8 110 1 25% Board 21 2: Chris Mitchell / Bill Sharp 3 W
12 230 0 0%
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