MONDAY (21-NOV-22)
Pair 4 EW - Bill McKellar / Angie IngpenPlace: 2, Percentage: 56.55% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 48: Clara Oakley / Carol Richardson1NT S9-150214% Board 58: Clara Oakley / Carol Richardson3NT S81001286% Board 68: Clara Oakley / Carol Richardson2 S51501393% Board 104: John Skelley / Jim Salmon4 W9-100643% Board 114: John Skelley / Jim Salmon1NT N7-90643% Board 124: John Skelley / Jim Salmon3 W7-100429% Board 1310: Lee McDonald / Susie Strachan3NT W960014100% Board 1410: Lee McDonald / Susie Strachan3 W122301393% Board 1510: Lee McDonald / Susie Strachan6NT W10-10000% Board 165: Peter Motteram / Gary Lee5 W1262014100% Board 175: Peter Motteram / Gary Lee4 W9-50321% Board 185: Peter Motteram / Gary Lee4X E7-50000% Board 191: Sue Head / Sue Walker4 E8-20017% Board 201: Sue Head / Sue Walker2 W8110750% Board 211: Sue Head / Sue Walker3NT E1146014100% Board 226: Andrew Rogers / Jenny Rogers4 N12-48017% Board 236: Andrew Rogers / Jenny Rogers6 W10-200643% Board 246: Andrew Rogers / Jenny Rogers2NT N51501286% Board 252: Sandy De Crespigny / Catherine Caldwell1 W78014100% Board 262: Sandy De Crespigny / Catherine Caldwell2 E9140857% Board 272: Sandy De Crespigny / Catherine Caldwell2NT E12240643% Board 287: Bronwyn Constance / Judy Emerson2 W1017014100% Board 297: Bronwyn Constance / Judy Emerson3 N12-23014100% Board 307: Bronwyn Constance / Judy Emerson3 N10-170643%
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