MONDAY (21-NOV-22)
Pair 7 NS - Bronwyn Constance / Judy EmersonPlace: 9, Percentage: 42.56% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 13: Sally Slattery / John Slattery4 N11450857% Board 23: Sally Slattery / John Slattery5 S10-100429% Board 33: Sally Slattery / John Slattery3 N91401286% Board 41: Jo Barker / Anne Marie Furphy3 W8100643% Board 51: Jo Barker / Anne Marie Furphy3NT S7-20000% Board 61: Jo Barker / Anne Marie Furphy2 N7-50536% Board 710: Bill Sharp / Jeannie Sharp2 N91401071% Board 810: Bill Sharp / Jeannie Sharp2 S8110536% Board 910: Bill Sharp / Jeannie Sharp3NT S8-5017% Board 109: Geraldine Gurry / Tony Gurry5 N9-20000% Board 119: Geraldine Gurry / Tony Gurry1NT N81201179% Board 129: Geraldine Gurry / Tony Gurry3 W71001071% Board 197: Pip Heard / Sally Powling4 E82001393% Board 207: Pip Heard / Sally Powling2 W8-110750% Board 217: Pip Heard / Sally Powling3NT E85014100% Board 226: Jane Vinecombe / Ian Richardson4 N11450750% Board 236: Jane Vinecombe / Ian Richardson3NT E8100429% Board 246: Jane Vinecombe / Ian Richardson3 S6-150214% Board 255: Sarah Manifold / Deb Elrington2NT S7-50321% Board 265: Sarah Manifold / Deb Elrington3 W9-110857% Board 275: Sarah Manifold / Deb Elrington3NT E9-400536% Board 284: Bill McKellar / Angie Ingpen2 W10-17000% Board 294: Bill McKellar / Angie Ingpen3 N1223000% Board 304: Bill McKellar / Angie Ingpen3 N10170857%
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