FRIDAY (27-JAN-23)
Pair 4 NS - Rod Ashby / Don Blackmore
Place: 2, Percentage: 55.66%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 1 6: Noel Calvert / Luki Weatherly 2 N
10 170 4 67% Board 2 6: Noel Calvert / Luki Weatherly 3 S
10 170 2 33% Board 3 6: Noel Calvert / Luki Weatherly 4 E
11 -650 3 50% Board 4 6: Noel Calvert / Luki Weatherly 1NT E 8 -120 2 33% Board 13 4: Steve Lilley / Andrew Rogers 3 W
8 100 3 38% Board 14 4: Steve Lilley / Andrew Rogers 2 W
8 -110 3 38% Board 15 4: Steve Lilley / Andrew Rogers 2 E
8 -110 6 75% Board 16 4: Steve Lilley / Andrew Rogers 2 S
4 -200 0 0% Board 17 3: George Chomley / Tim Dennis 2 S
9 140 6 100% Board 18 3: George Chomley / Tim Dennis 2NT S 10 180 6 100% Board 19 3: George Chomley / Tim Dennis 4 E
10 -620 0 0% Board 20 3: George Chomley / Tim Dennis 1NT E 3 400 6 100% Board 21 2: Peter Motteram / John Iser 3 E
10 -130 4 67% Board 22 2: Peter Motteram / John Iser 2 E
9 -140 3 50% Board 23 2: Peter Motteram / John Iser 3NT S 10 630 5 83% Board 24 2: Peter Motteram / John Iser 2 N
8 110 4 67%
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